Energy Bite 200 – The Anniversary Copy of the First Edition

It’s hard to believe that this is the 200th edition of Energy Bites. That’s nearly six years worth of articles (including a few short term gaps), since the first issues were emailed twice a month as multi-page PDF newsletters.

Sometimes I have had some difficulty coming up with topics, but our local paper has occasionally provided me with a topic on Tuesdays when the Health and Science Section comes out and they have a topic that is relevant.

But not this time. In celebration of the 200th issue of Energy Bites, I am linking to the PDF version of the first edition on December 1st, 2011, a short four page Overview entitled New Energy Bites Begins Twice a Month Publication (click here to go directly to it). The newsletter evolved into a pretty nice five or six page publication with decent graphics. It changed into an online blog starting with Energy Bite 22 on March 18, 2013 and has remained a blog ever since.

This first issue was a bit primitive. Subsequent editions were a bit more polished and even had page numbers, better graphics and more professional line spacing.

But while the blog format is here to stay, I may start adding some short videos into the posts. That’s a little bit down the road.

Anyhow, many thanks for reading Energy Bites over the years and I have appreciated your email comments. Keep them coming.

Here’s that link again (Click here).

Enjoy, and thanks for reading.