“If you do not make time for your wellness, you will be
forced to make time for your illness. . . Read that again.”
My wife found that quote on Facebook a couple of days ago and passed it on to me. I thought the topic would be appropriate for today’s message.
There is one all important word in that quote that’s key to the entire statement. Can you guess what it is?
I regularly hear people say “I just don’t have time to exercise. I know I should but there’s just no time in my day.” Is that a legitimate reason, or an excuse?
If people really understood how important exercise, eating right, breathing well, and getting sleep were to keeping well, they would commit to doing it. I’m convinced that people don’t really understand.
Illness, pain and other assorted maladies come from inflammation, poor immune response (often the two are the same), heart and lung problems, various cancers, digestive problems, diabetes, and so forth, and are often associated with lack of physical movement, poor nutrition, and lack of rest and sleep.
Moderate exercise, healthy foods, deep abdominal breathing, and plenty of rest and sleep are all part of a good Wellness Program. The best Wellness Programs include plenty of activities on the Mental and Emotional side that help keep you well, too. Mental imagery, meditation, rituals and your overall attitude in general contribute greatly to reduced stress and general well-being.
But I haven’t mentioned the key word in that quotation. That keyword is . . . “MAKE”. Maybe you don’t HAVE time during your ordinary day, but there are plenty of ways to MAKE time for healthy habits.
For example, I am usually at the gym between 5:30 and 5:45 each morning. There is often a pretty full house by the time I get there. The gym opens at 5:00 AM and there are people waiting at the door to get in when the gym opens. Those people have MADE the time for Wellness and are finished their daily workout before most people have staggered out of bed.
You don’t need a gym to exercise. You can exercise in your bedroom at home early in the morning or in the late afternoon or sporadically during the day or evening depending on your schedule. Yes, it would be nice to get up later but I believe that Wellness beats Illness all the time, and that people who are committed to their Wellness will continue to MAKE time to exercise nearly every day.
When you are COMMITTED to your health and well being, it’s relatively easy to MAKE some time for exercise. When you’re not committed, then having time is not a factor. It doesn’t really matter to you, does it.
So keep in mind that you may not HAVE time, but you can always MAKE time for Wellness. Remember, if you don’t MAKE the time for Wellness, then Illness will TAKE the time FROM YOU when it chooses to.
Thank you for reading.