Energy Bite 401 – Live An Awesome Senior Life

“Live an Awesome Senior Life.” That’s an interesting title. What does it mean?

To me, it means being healthy, having fun, doing a variety of different things. It means having a Purpose in life. It means sharing your life with others — family, friends or community. It means living without major pain or illness. It means being active. It means being able to go places and do things that make you feel good and feel alive.

But there’s a catch. It takes health, fitness and personal energy to be able to do all of that and keep it up. It means you must fine tune your body all the way down to the cellular level in a way that gives you the physical energy to live the way you want — awesomely. Diet and Exercise are two major components of that energy production from the cellular level on up.

When I suggest you need to fine tune your body, does that mean you must go to the gym every day, develop big muscles, or be able to run a half-marathon? Not at all. But it does mean you need to be able to do what your body is meant to do: Pull and push things, lift and carry things, twist and bend, and otherwise just plain be able to move and do things the way you want to.

You need the strength and flexibility to be able to get up and down from the floor or comfortably get out of a chair or off the couch. That takes some training and consistent practice. So many seniors have a great deal of difficulty doing those basic movements.

It’s also nice to be awe-inspiring to others just by the example of the energy others see in you. It shows up in your posture. It shows up in the way you move, and it shows up in your enthusiasm for living the awesome life you have built for yourself.

Over the next several weeks, I’ll be writing about the what, why and the how of fine tuning the body, and easily (and not so easily) creating the energy you need as you get older. Next week I’ll be writing about how to get that mind-blowing energy boost all the way down at your cellular level.

Thank you for reading.