Seniors today are aging better and are more vibrant and aware than Seniors of previous generations. Thanks to modern medicine, you are living longer and better lives than before. Many of you have stayed active longer and are in better physical condition than those seniors of earlier generations. 60 is the new 50. Some say 70 is the new 50. And some feel and act like they are 80 when they are only turning 50.
I know there are a lot of Seniors like you, who want to focus their lives in a healthy direction and get away from the stagnation and boredom that often pops up after the initial excitement of retirement. You are entering a new stage in life where health, fitness and personal energy becomes a priority. You begin to recognize that health and fitness leads to a better and longer senior life.
As Seniors, you and I face a lot of challenges — some real and some perceived as real. These challenges include lack of mobility, weakening bodies, increased incidents of illness, falling, increasing isolation, boredom and depression, all leading to that lack of independent living that we fear most of all.
Of course, you can prevent the premature aging that saps the energy from our lives. I’ve been promoting physical movement (exercise), intelligent eating, deep breathing and a Positive Attitude toward life, in the 304 previous “Energy Bite” blog articles over the last decade.
When I started the Come Alive Project nearly a decade ago, I intended it to be an awareness campaign for active Seniors about how to discover the Fountain of Youth within each of us through Health, Fitness and Personal Energy. I continue to do talks and workshops on the subject and intend to continue both the blog and the workshops for as long as I am physically able. Heck, it’s fun! Plus, I have enjoyed the many positive comments I have received over the years.
Oh, and by the way, I practice what I preach. That’s why at age 79, coming up on 80 in five months, I feel like “80 going on 45”. I feel better now than at almost any time in my adult life because of the change in lifestyle I made ten years ago. I added physical movement, intelligent eating and better habits back into my life. I am still following the message that I created The Come Alive Project to spread.
I hope you are doing the same. Thank you for reading.