Tony Robbins, the Personal Development Guru says, “Your Physiology determines your ‘state’”. He’s right for the most part. Your physiology can indeed determine the way you feel and contributes mightily to your attitude abut life. A depressed stance is bent over, shuffling along, head down. An upbeat attitude occurs when you are standing straight with good posture, head, neck and shoulders up, and looking like the world is yours.
“It’s difficult to feel down when you’re looking up.” — Me.
Physiology is your posture, breathing pattern, facial expression, the way you move, etc. You have complete control over your physiology.
It’s true. Try it. When you are feeling down, deliberately straighten your posture, hold your head high, pull in your stomach, and put a smile — better yet a grin — on your face. It’s hard to feel bad when you do that. You’ll find your mood improves immediately. It won’t last forever, but it’s a start.
You can’t maintain that physiology for long without physical energy. Your body will revert to it’s original slump if you don’t have the energy to maintain your posture and bearing. And as a senior, it isn’t always easy to do anyway.
The better physical condition you are in, the easier it is to change to a positive physiology. If your core is weak, you can’t hold your posture. If you don’t breathe deeply and move, your circulation won’t rush the blood and oxygen to your cells to provide you with the physical energy you need.
And the exercise it takes to get into that kind of condition releases all those endorphins and “feel good chemicals” into your body and you can’t help but improve your overall attitude toward life. Your physical movement, how you breathe, what you eat, and how you stand, all affect your view of the outside world. It also affects the way the outside world views you.
People can transform themselves through a change in physiology. A change in fundamental physiology will do wonders to help discover the Fountain of Youth within each of us. Some will do it. Some won’t. Stand up straight and move your body. Your world will be better for it. So will ours.
Thank you for reading.