We hear so much today about Positive Psychology and how a Positive Mental Attitude is so important to a happy life. I believe that’s true, but what happens when you add a Positive Physiology to the mix? When you combine a positive attitude with a positive posture, bearing and personal energy, it adds enormously to how you feel about yourself and how others perceive you.
What does that mean? It means that a lot about your outward appearance, the way you look at yourself in the mirror, as well as the way others see you, affects your overall perception of how you are aging, as well as how you conduct your lifestyle.
As you get older, you have to be very aware of your posture and those other aspects of the body that succumb to the overall aging process. Things such as skin elasticity, muscle tone, bone density and the like. And yes, it’s possible to reduce some of these aspects of aging as we adopt a positive physiology.
Positive Physiology includes:
- The way you stand: A tall, straight and confident posture.
- The way you move: Purposefully, with complete control of your movements, with strength and flexibility well beyond mere functionality.
- The enthusiastic energy you project in the way you come across to others.
I’m not writing this as a “how to” piece. The “how to” is simple. Get more exercise, eat better, breathe deeply and get plenty of rest. I’m writing it simply as a reminder of how your physical body can control your lifestyle as well as the other way around, how your attitude controls aspects of your physiology. Does the word “holistic” ring a bell? Yes, “holistic”. Yes, the mind and the body are one in Spirit. Yes, your attitude affects your physical being and your physical being affects your attitude. It’s a continual circle but it is also a “whole”.
What are the Benefits of adding Positive Physiology to the mix?
- Less negativity and possibly less depression
- Development of healthy habits
- Look better in the mirror and to others.
- A Come Alive Attitude
- Feeling of well-being.
- YOU are in control of your mind and your body.
- You are also responsible for them.
So make your body work for you. You can offset the effects of aging if you choose to. I have a friend, older than me, who just recently started a major physical rejuvenation effort. In less than three months, her posture has dramatically improved, she feels better in general and her already great attitude about life and her energy level have both gone through the roof. It can happen for you too when you add Positive Physiology to your lifestyle.
Thanks for reading.