Energy Bite 66 – A Recommendation for 2015

Here’s a personal recommendation for you for the coming year.

Several weeks ago, I wrote about a healthy, energizing and alkalizing drink concoction I make and drink daily. This came about six or seven years ago after I read a Book about Apple Cider Vinegar by the late Paul Bragg, one of the pioneers of Health and Fitness in the United States.

I have recently read a number of his other books and have found his advice on Health and Fitness to be extremely valuable. I am not a “shill” for Paul Bragg or the company currently run by his daughter. But I do believe in his philosophy on Health and Fitness. Some of his books have been updated by his daughter.

Now, most of his excellent books are available as Kindle books for the price of $0.99 to $2.99 each at Amazon. If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free PC version of Kindle at

My recommendation for entering the New Year is that you take advantage of the price and buy the Kindle books at and read them at your leisure. You will reap huge personal benefits in Health and Fitness and a huge leap in personal energy if you read the books, and then follow the advice he offers.

These are personal recommendations for which I get no compensation other than satisfaction (the Government makes me say that).

P.S. I found the following passage from one of the books to be particularly interesting considering what I wrote in my December 9th article  concerning what seniors talk about in social settings:

“If we closely examined our adult population ages from 25 to 75, sadly we would find many of them mental and physical health wrecks! If a group of 15 adults are gathered together in a room for a social evening and the conversation turns to health and disease, you can be sure that 99% of these people have some chronic ailment eating away at one or more of their vital organs. It seems that everyone has something wrong with them! They talk of the shots they are taking, the operations they have had or are going to have, the pills they are taking and the misery they are suffering. They calmly admit to each other that they are seeing a therapist, as if it were natural to be in a confused, sad condition!” Bragg, Paul C.; Bragg, Patricia (2011-03-23). The Miracle of Fasting – Proven Throughout History (Kindle Locations 3647-3657). Health Science. Kindle Edition.

Interesting, huh?

May you have a healthy and prosperous 2015 and beyond.

Thank you for reading.