Energy bite 406 – How You Breathe is Important

There has been a lot of online buzz about “Energy” recently. While I have been writing and speaking about Personal Energy for well over a decade, this recent buzz is interesting.

That buzz is focused on Breathing. Exercise and nutrition are already givens as far as Personal Energy is concerned. Breathing has always been there as necessary, but as a supplementary Energy Booster.

But there has been a lot of recent scientific activity around the study of the effects of breathing that appears to be turning a lot of previous “science” in a new direction.

For example, old school thinking about deep breathing (which I have promoted) has always been that deep breathing gets more oxygen into the blood and therefor it is the best way to breathe.

Recent thinking, backed by studies, seems to demonstrate that Carbon Dioxide is not a waste product after all, but is necessary not only to stimulate breathing, but also to help transfer oxygen from the blood vessels into your cells, your mitochondria for the production of ATP for energy for your body to function.

Over the last several years there is a lot of talk about Wim Hof breathing, Pranayama, Box breathing, Holotropic breathing to name just a few. It seems that each of these have a different purpose and a different way of improving your brain function and your physical energy.

Two of the top “thought leaders” in the area of breathing are James Nestor, author of Breath, and Patrick McKeown, author of The Oxygen Advantage. There is an engaging interview between the two which you will find at this link.

Though they have minor differences in their thinking about breathing, they agree on most things. Most particularly they look at these as the most important aspects of breathing for energy, for the brain, for focus and for relaxation:

  • Slow your breathing. Exhale significantly longer than you inhale. This promotes relaxation and gets more oxygen to your cells, body and brain for sustained energy.
  • Be aware of your breathing most of the time. Pay attention to your body.
  • Breathe through your nose, not your mouth. Nose breathing warms your breath, filters your breath and promotes breathing with your diaphram/abdomen vs. the unfiltered air and Chest breathing you get with mouth breathing.
  • Hum when you exhale. It infuses your system with Nitric Oxide. That’s good for you. By the way, doesn’t Viagra involve Nitric Oxide?
  • They also agree that all forms of breathing have their benefits (except mouth breathing).

I have studied exercise for seniors for nearly 20 years, and nutrition, aging and longevity over the last 12 years. I am always learning. I am learning new information about breathing and it’s true importance to your personal energy. I have always considered deep breathing as one of the keys to good health. I was mostly wrong. But I am learning the importance of slow, nasal breathing and how it can add to your quality of life and your own personal energy.

Please go to the interview that I linked to above. I think you will get some valuable benefits from it.

Thank you for reading.