Energy Bite 238 – How to Lose Personal Energy, Fast

I write and speak a lot about Positive Energy and it’s importance in aging healthfully. I’ve stressed the benefits of Physical Movement, Sound Nutrition, Deep Breathing, Good Posture and Lots of Rest and Sleep. I’ve also stressed the importance of a Positive and forward thinking Mindset in promoting healthy aging as part of the Fountain of Youth that is inherent within you.

But how about the other side of the coin. What are some of the things that drain energy from you and contribute to an unhealthy body and a pro-aging mindset? In this article, I’ll explore three of the most common Energy Vampires. Are any of them holding you back from activating your Fountain of Youth?

People, Places and Things

Have you spent much time around negative people; people who are always complaining or finding fault with everything, or proclaiming their victimhood? These people can sap the energy right out of you. They can drain any semblance of a positive attitude you may have just by opening their mouths. Of course there are real victims and people who have unexpected tragedies or illnesses, who need a friend to hear them out. But the true energy drainers seem to have a never ending stream of life’s problems and they never want to stop telling you about them.

And how about your own personal environment?. Do you live with clutter and messy surroundings? Studies have demonstrated that living in a cluttered or “disarranged” environment can be depressing and can even cause susceptibility to illness. Clutter can certainly be an energy suppressant.

It’s important to be aware of just how draining being around chronically negative people and clutter can be, and to have a Plan B to at least avoid it when you can.


What do you say to yourself when you have a challenge or when things are not going right for you? Again, recent studies have demonstrated that putting yourself down when things are not going the way you want, or because of disappointment, could cause an immune response that may result in physical illness or mental depression. Philosophical writings going back to the Ancient Greeks show that people have understood the physical challenges that come from negative self-talk. And expectations which have not been met often result in resentments, which are the king or queen of the negative attitude scale.

Physical Deterioration & Injury

Your Personal Energy can be sapped over time when you don’t take care of yourself and you start to deteriorate physically. When you lose strength, flexibility and mobility, your ability to function on a normal level is lost; your body loses its ability to handle the stresses and necessities of normal life. You drain energy slowly, but steadily, even with plenty of rest and sleep.

That’s when you notice the gradual downhill slide that comes from inactivity and poor self-care. And that’s when you need to take action to start recovery. Do I need to suggest exercise?

Injuries speak for themselves. Occasional physical injuries can pull your energy level down temporarily, but you get it back when you start a program of recovery.  But all too often, the bone degeneration that occurs when you allow your body to deteriorate results in a broken limb or hip. The statistics are not kind to those Seniors who enter emergency rooms because of a fall and a broken hip.

All of the above are just a few of the things that drain energy from you. The most important things you can do are to keep your body moving, eat real food, get plenty of rest and sleep, and to surround yourself with positive people in positive places. Be kind to yourself with your words and thoughts, and look at the bright side of life.

Thank you for reading.