Energy Bite 275 – Fundamentals

Most seniors want to wake up in the morning looking good and feeling good. Instead, too many seniors wake up and start the day with physical discomfort, low energy, poor posture, tired all the time, poor leg and core strength. You get out of breath a lot, have creaky joints, are anxious, tense, sometimes depressed or bored, and on and on and on.  And yes, there’s more.

Sound familiar? Do you wake up in the morning disliking the way you look and feel, sometimes dreading the day ahead? Not always, but more frequently than not?

I was writing down the pain points (let’s call them Talking Points) for a page for my soon to be re-vitalized website, and for a talk which I will using to promote an upcoming workshop. The talking points were about “feelings”, physical and emotional, that most seniors experience as challenges as they get older. Those listed above were among them.

The solution is pretty simple for the most part. It’s about taking care of yourself and taking responsibility for your own health (not a lot of people like to hear that). It’s about the way you move, the way you eat, the way you breathe, and the way you think. Pretty fundamental.

Notice I haven’t mentioned weight loss. Sadly, by the time we reach our 60s, 70s and up, we’ve lost too many people to the ravages of severe obesity. It’s not so much about losing weight as it is about being healthy and fit.

Notice also that I haven’t used the word “DIET”. Diet usually means deprivation and “starvation”. Deprivation and starvation don’t work — so try something called — EATING — the healthy way, getting ALL the nutrients you need to be a healthy and fit person. If you want to lose weight and become fit, you don’t stop eating, you just start eating the right things, and stay away from the wrong things. Once again, it’s not really about weight loss, it’s about being healthy and fit.

One thing seniors are starving for is simple, non-technical, fundamental information about Health, Fitness and Personal Energy — how to get it, how to keep it, and how to use it. You’ll continue to find it here.

So, it all starts with the way you’re thinking. Your mindset, your motivation and your self-discipline will determine how you handle the eating, moving and breathing part of the formula. Eating determines the nutrients you get at the basic level and is the primary factor in the composition of your body. Movement determines your strength, flexibility, agility, posture, muscle tone, and helps determine how you metabolize the healthy nutrients you take in.  Breathing, along with movement, helps determine the amount of oxygen you take in, how that oxygen is absorbed, how it feeds and energizes your cells and is converted to physical energy.

Most seniors are aware of the truth in what I have written here. It’s pretty fundamental. It’s a function of YOU taking responsibility for your own well-being. It’s about taking action to get dramatic improvements in your own health, fitness and personal energy, so you will wake up in the morning excited and energized about the new day.

Yes, you’ll get tired. Yes, you’ll be cranky sometimes. Yes, you’ll wake up with discomfort and malaise some days. But when you eat right, move, breathe, and develop a Come Alive Attitude toward life, you’ll wake up most days looking good, feeling good, and with all the energy you need to enjoy a happy and fulfilling experience of being alive.

Thank you for reading.