Energy Bite 299 – The 11 Steps to Personal Energy

“Without energy, life is merely a latent possibility.

The World belongs to the Energetic.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Over time, I have developed a simple 11 Point Manifesto for developing and maintaining your personal energy. It’s changed a few times and is down from an original 15 point list. I believe that if you follow these 11 points, your chances of living a long and productive life will be much greater than if you don’t.

These are derived from and “Energy Formula” that I used in early workshops on the subject of Health, Fitness and Personal Energy for Active Seniors.

  1. When you understand that You Are Your Own Fountain of Youth, you don’t have to rely on doctors or drugs to keep your energy up for life.

  2. When you understand that you have everything you need for a high energy life already inside you, then it will become easy to reach inside and turn on the flow of life.

  3. You must be able to accept your current reality. If you look in the mirror and see gobs of fat, then you probably need to lose weight and get fit.

  4. You must become willing to create the new reality you want. Imagine yourself looking and feeling the way you would like to look and feel. Be willing to do what it takes to get there — no matter what.

  5. Find a purpose and live it. Mine is to promote health, fitness and personal energy for active seniors. I write and speak to seniors to help them live an energetic lifestyle. What’s your purpose?

  6. If you want positive energy in your life, then you must MOVE YOUR BODY! Some call it exercise. There are lots of different kinds of exercise. Do what works for you.

  7. To have physical energy, you must fuel your body with a good grade of fuel. Low grade fuel doesn’t do it. Mix and match good foods and don’t eat the junk. You know what the junk is. Don’t eat it.

  8. Breathe deeply. Oxygen fuels energy. You need plenty of it.

  9. Your posture says a lot about you. It’s a reflection of your energy and fitness levels. Poor posture comes across as low energy and low self-esteem. Stand up straight the way your parents told you to.

  10. Live your life with enthusiasm. Enthusiasm comes from “en theos”, The Spirit Within. Energy begets enthusiasm and enthusiasm for life energizes you. Enthusiasm for life is the culmination of that mind and body combination that is so important for a long and energy filled life.

  11. Take action. The above items are meaningless unless you take action to do them or achieve them. Tony Robbins says: “Action is the Commodity of Kings”. He’s right. If you’re fat and you don’t like it, take action to lose weight. If you are weak and unfit, take action to get fit.

Do those eleven steps and you will discover that Fountain of Youth that’s inside you. Do those eleven steps and you will turn on the flow of life.

Thank you for reading.