Energy Bite 321 – Rational Fitness Goals for Seniors

What do Seniors really want from their Health and Fitness regimen? Most that I have talked to want to have the physical energy to live their lives the way they want to.

Most Seniors aren’t interested in being a super marathon runner or super muscular. But they want to be fit for life with smooth running systems and the great feeling of “being alive” with energy and enthusiasm.

Look at the ads in the AARP and Travel Magazines. The images aren’t of people with huge muscles or who go skydiving or do dangerous stunts. The images are of healthy people enjoying healthy activities, and doing it with energy and enthusiasm.

These are people who are being themselves in fun environments, not a bunch of supermen and superwomen. They are people who are just like you — all portrayed as people who are healthy, fit and enjoying life.

AARP and other Travel Ads put YOU in situations where you would like to be. But all too often, you don’t really feel alive or energetic enough or healthy enough to fit in the pictures.

What’s the answer? How to look like a person in a travel ad? Here are a few suggestions:

Get off your duff and start MOVING! Exercises should be just a little bit harder than you are comfortable with. Exercise should not be easy, yet as seniors, if you go at it too hard, you are susceptible to injury. There are plenty of excellent exercise classes available at all levels and costs. Give them a try. Or exercise by yourself – either way works. Be careful but don’t be fearful.

Eat sensibly, breathe deeply and get plenty of rest and sleep. All common sense, right?

And use your imagination. Put yourself mentally into those pictures. Imagine yourself looking and feeling like the people pictured in those ads.

Remember, the end result should be to build your health and personal energy to be able to live the life you want, with all systems running smoothly, with you enjoying the feeling of being alive.

The goal of EXERCISE is energy for life.

The goal of FOOD is energy for life.

The goal of BREATH is energy for life.

The goal of REST & SLEEP is energy for life.

Keep those goals in mind as you think about how you want to live your Senior years.

Thank you for reading.