“Don’t be a drip, take a sip.” — Anon.
We are half way through Summer with it’s accompanying hot weather and humidity. Seniors have a tendency to dehydrate and overheat more easily than younger people. With that in mind, I dragged out some old notes and quotes and put together these thoughts. While heat is a major contributor to dehydration, lack of fluids will cause dehydration regardless of the temperature.
Dehydration can be a serious problem with Seniors. As you age, you lose the recovery power of your youth and when you get truly dehydrated, it may take longer to rebound from lack of water in your body. The more you age, the longer it takes to recover. Of course, the better physical condition you are in, the better you are able to handle the recovery.
What are the symptoms of dehydration? Mild to moderate dehydration results in increased thirst, headache, lightheadedness, constipation, dry mouth, fatigue, and lack of the need to urinate. Severe dehydration may result in severe thirst, lack of sweating, confusion, irritability, fever, low blood pressure, rapid breathing and heart rate, and may end up in loss of consciousness. Severe dehydration can also result in kidney problems and overall decreased blood flow resulting from low fluid content in the body.
“No spit, no sweat, no need to go . . .
Fix it all with H20 ” — Anon
With Seniors, the symptoms of dehydration do not appear suddenly. But once you become dehydrated, the symptoms can escalate quickly. Studies show that Seniors also lose their sense of thirst as you get older, so you are not as likely to notice the need for fluids as early as younger people.
How about adding salt intake? Here is an interesting bit of information. Studies have shown that lack of salt contributes to cardiovascular problems. What? I always heard that salt is bad for you. These studies show that seniors should consume no less than one teaspoon of salt, nor more than three teaspoons of salt per day. Those who did the studying found that most seniors were well within this range when they were totally on their own. But most independent living facilities provide a low salt diet at dinnertime which can potentially lead to mild dehydration.
What kind of salt should you use? I find sea salt or Himalayan rock salt to be better by far that normal table salt with all its additives. Trader Joe’s sells a Himalayan rock salt in a small grinder. You can always find sea salt or rock salt pre-ground but you miss out on the fun of grinding.
According to the Mayo Clinic website, the best way to prevent dehydration in seniors, and everyone else for that matter, is to drink plenty of water and eat plenty of water content foods like fruits and vegetables, and to avoid alcohol. Duh.
We are also told that seniors should be careful about venturing out on really hot and humid days and to keep plenty of water handy at all times. Don’t skimp on salt, but don’t go overboard either. Double duh.
Most medical websites say basically the same thing relative to seniors. Drink plenty of water whether you are thirsty or not (remember the sense of thirst is diminished with seniors. Be alert for symptoms and catch them early. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance if the symptoms are noticeable, and don’t hesitate to contact emergency or medical personnel if you or anyone with you deem it advisable.
“What ever you do,
Take water with you.” – Anon
It seems so elementary, but so often we forget. We intend to drink plenty of water, but we don’t. Take heed.
Thank your for reading.
NOTE: The above quotes came from here.