Energy Bite 348 – Finish Strong

I’ve been brainstorming some ideas about the best way to begin the New Year as we move into the final quarter of 2020. The thinking gave way to writing and I decided to use some of the writing for this weeks article. Change my first person sentences to fit YOU.

2020 has been a unusual year and we still have three months to go. We have all been affected in some way by a the Covid 19 “thing” as well as naturally disasters and other outside happenings that we don’t have immediate or individual control over.

So I decided to make 2021 one of my best years ever, to make it into a legacy year of productivity and activity. As I wrote above, I was brainstorming the best ways to begin the New Year and create that legacy year. We all plan ahead for that great New beginning on January 1st, don’t we. Why wait? Why not start now?

So, what if, instead of waiting until New Year’s Day to start that legacy year, I could end up final quarter of 2020 with so strong a finish, that by the time January 1st rolled around, I was already well on my way into that legacy year.

What if I got my body into such good condition that I had the physical energy and enthusiasm, at age 80, to follow through with all the plans.

What if I came up with new thoughts for a new direction that would make the previous years look like amateur hour. What if I didn’t wait to January 1 to implement plans, but instead started them in a big way during the last quarter of this year.

What if I made my attitude so positive that by the time the New Year started, I became unstoppable.

What if I learned everything I needed to learn in the next three months so that I didn’t have to wait until later to start doing the new things I want to do in 2021.

And what if I used the rest of THIS year to make it all happen, no matter what our circumstances may be on New Years Day.

So as I said, I’ve been spending the last week or so brainstorming answers to those questions and figuring out ways to make 2021 happen the way I want it to.

I know that I can take the next several months getting my own physical, mental and emotional act together so that I am fit to take on 2021, no matter what individual or collective circumstances we face when January comes around. A physically fit person with a positive mindset is much more likely to survive changes and face what comes with Courage, Strength, Energy, and Enthusiasm.

By taking steps right now and finishing strong, I will be  building momentum, mindset, habit and discipline to be well on my way when the New Year arrives.

Remember Muhammad Ali’s famous admonition to “start fast and finish strong”. Adjust that philosophy a bit and start 2021 “fast” and finish 2020 “strong”. And, as for circumstances, I am reminded of what Bruce Lee so famously said, “Circumstances? Hell, I make circumstances!”

Thank you for reading.