Energy Bite 350 – The Challenges of “Dueling Studies”

We have different individual needs within the collective framework of being Seniors. We know we want to look good, feel good, avoid injuries and illnesses, stave off complacency, boredom and frustration, and enjoy our full potential as seniors.

There are certain fundamentals involved in getting the personal energy we need to get the most out of our lives. What are they? Exercise/movement. Healthful food. Sufficient rest and sleep. Good breathing habits. A Positive Attitude. Plus a few more.

But there are still enough scientific uncertainties and “dueling studies” on each of those fundamentals to confuse us all. What should we really be doing to live the healthy lives we want.

“Dueling studies”? What a great term. I’ll be using it a lot.

So what DO we do?

Even when it is narrowed down to only Seniors, the confusion and “dueling studies” continue. Strength training, aerobic training, HIIT, stretching, walking or running, etc. How about all of the above? Which should seniors emphasize?

Which “diet”, if any, should we try? Keto? Paleo? Low Fat? Metamucil (Yeech)? Or, for Seniors, should we try calorie restriction for longevity? It works for rats but is still controversial for Seniors.

How about sleep? Do Seniors need less sleep or more sleep? Studies promote both. Do naps really help?  How much rest do we need to recover from exercise or other activities? How much personal energy can we accumulate? Once again, “dueling studies” abound.

Most of us don’t even know what the alternatives are, let alone which are best for us.

So, over the next few weeks, I will explore those alternatives with you, try to eliminate some of the confusion, and differentiate between the differing studies. So when we read an article that says: “A recent study by scientists at XYZ University proves that Seniors never need to sleep again and that we can stay up all night and binge watch TV, eat pizza and french fries, and never have to move a finger the rest of our lives”, we will understand that there are alternative and opposing studies, and not just accept it on face value.

So, stay with me for the next few weeks and maybe we will all get some “real world” answers.

Thank you for reading.