2020 is ending, thank goodness, and 2021 is beginning. The gyms are excited and ready for all the newbies to the exercise scene. Every year a new crop signs up in January with steely eyes, set jaw, and focused intent on getting fit, losing fat, and getting healthy. The gyms love it because historically, they get a bunch of new members in January. By March, the attendance slows down, and the money keeps rolling in. Don’t blame it on the gyms, it’s not their fault. They just cash in on human nature.
This year may be a little different because of COVID. There may be a bit of fear in joining a gym with a large membership where you could be exposed to the virus. But there will still be a lot of well intentioned new memberships in spite of the virus.
Most gyms are well disinfected. The gym I go to purchased a huge air filtering and sanitizing system that purportedly keeps the large facility in a constant state of cleanliness — some sort of spray and filtering system that is distributed throughout the gym, continually sanitizing it in its entirety.
Staff takes my temperature at the door and I make sure I have my mask on when I enter and leave. They limit attendees to a percentage of maximum capacity. My wife takes classes there and her classes are severely limited to a small percentage of the normal attendance.
I feel very comfortable at the gym and am not hesitant to use any of the equipment. I have noticed that nearly all the people who are using the facilities, comply with all the gym requirements of wearing masks when not on the exercise floor and wiping down the equipment with disinfectant after each use. There are excellent safety procedures in place and nearly everyone goes along with them without overt complaint.
So, if you want to lose fat and get in shape, don’t let COVID deter you. Of course you will make it a consideration, but note that most gyms are safe.
Of course, much of the “losing fat” part should take place at home, in the kitchen and at the dining room table. You have complete control of that aspect of your personal fitness. I won’t promote a particular diet — there are too many out there and I am not a nutritionist, even though I had a Sports Nutrition Designation with the National Academy of Sports Medicine. My main suggestion is to stop eating all that sugar you ate during the holidays. I gained 6 pounds which I can attribute nearly all of to excess sugar. I’ve already stopped eating the Christmas candy.
In short, the New Year is a great time to start a health and fitness campaign. Don’t be afraid to go to the gym. Join one if you are not a member now BUT don’t give up in February. And remember, you don’t have to join a gym. You can always exercise at home. I just think that gyms provide a bit more of a motivational atmosphere that keeps you focused on exercising.
Some insurance programs will pay for “Silver Sneakers” programs and some of the major gyms provide it — free membership if your insurance provides for it.
So, while that’s not a lecture, it’s a message of hope that you will start or continue to exercise and eat right. You already know that. Yes, there are external challenges this year, but don’t let fear of the unknown stop you. If you don’t exercise regularly now, start a program and stick with it.
With exercise and good nutrition, you’ll look better, feel better, and have a chance at an awesome life. Remember, You are your own Fountain of Youth. It’s up to you to reach inside you and turn on the Flow — the Flow of Life.
Happy New Year to all. Have an awesome 2021 and beyond.
Thank you for reading.