Energy Bite 382 – Quotes, Thoughts & a Note

I like quotes. Sometimes they make a point better than narrative.I like them by famous or not famous people if they are appropriate.

Here are six thoughts and quotes I wrote down (or created), which I found as I was going through some of my “Random ‘Riting” from nearly 12 years ago.

“Frank Lloyd Wright, the architect, liked to make his houses ‘vibrate with natural energy’. Why can’t we do the same with our bodies and our being? Our bodies are made for it, but all too often we don’t make it happen. — Me

“If you rest, you rust. Don’t let Senior Rigormortis set in. Keep moving.” — partly Me, partly anon.

“ Old age is not for sissies.” — Art Linkletter

 “Its more than what you eat or how often you exercise. It’s even more than just essential steps to wellness. Its energy to fully live the game of life.” — Tony Robbins speaking about the Power of Physical Energy,

“To lose one’s health renders science null, art inglorious, strength unavailable, wealth useless, and eloquence powerless.” — Herophilus C., 300 BC.

“Nothing tastes as good as health and vitality feel.” — Tony Robbins on our eating habits.

NOTE TO MY READERS. If you read the Washington Post, check out the article by Prof. Rebecca Puhl, U of Conn., about making a legally protected class for people who are overweight. Here’s a quote from the article:

“In national studies, we found that more than 70 percent of Americans support adding body weight as a protected category, alongside categories such as race and age, to existing state civil rights laws.”

Really? 70 percent of Americans? If you want to read it, follow the link above. The article is on p. E3 of the Health & Science Section of today’s Washington Post. It flies in the face of everything I try to get across in these blog posts.

I only linked to the article for your information. I avoid writing on that kind of controversary. But I thought you might find the opinion of Prof. Puhl interesting. No trolling or cancel culture please.

Thank you for reading.