Energy Bite 400 – Your Personal Energy, 2022

Well, here we are again, at the beginning of another new year — 2022. May you enjoy it with energy, enthusiasm, and love of life.

In my closing post for 2021, I wrote that when I started “The Come Alive Project” over a decade ago, the goal was to deliver useful messages about Health, Fitness and Personal Energy for Active Seniors. The purpose was, and is, to help avoid the stagnation and deterioration that comes with the way so many people age, and to fully engage with the continuous flow of an active and productive senior lifestyle.

The operative term in the above paragraph is “Personal Energy”. By Personal Energy, I mean the physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual energies that go into the way each of us chooses to live our lives.

Personal Energy describes the “life force” within each of us that keeps us active, makes us feel good, propels us toward our goals, and lets us “come alive”. We all have the ability to either improve and expand that life force, or allow it to dissipate. It is entirely up to each of us as to which direction we choose.

It is the PHYSICAL energy that gives us the capability to actually DO the things we want to do. I will continue to focus a bit more on the PHYSICAL energy than on the others, but all will be included in these posts.

The PHYSICAL Energy we have within us is determined by three major components: (1) The way we move our bodies, the effort we put into it, and our ability to rest and recover from the effort, (2) The way we fuel our bodies — the quality and quantities of fuel (food and oxygen) we use, how the body absorbs and converts it to energy at the cellular level, and (3) The way we approach life, whether with positive enthusiasm, or a depressed and lethargic approach to our aging. Energy and enthusiasm for life go hand in hand.

I believe that the way we approach life is determined by the Physical Energy we have available to us to live that life, and that we have the power within us to vastly increase our physical energy. This will result in major improvements in our mental, emotional and even our spiritual energy, allowing us to age healthfully, happily, productively and enthusiastically.

I know that in many cases I am preaching to the choir. Yet so many other seniors have allowed themselves to become sluggish, slow moving, depressed (not necessarily in a clinical way), along with increased susceptibility to age related and other chronic illnesses, tensions, poor sleep habits and physical weakness, most of which can be avoided with changes in habit patterns and simple lifestyle adjustments.

So these posts will continue to focus on those things that should improve our Health, Fitness and Personal Energy and to provide examples, stories, techniques and other aspects of Personal Energy which, when implemented, can dramatically improve our Personal Energy and Enthusiasm for engaging in that continuous flow of an active senior lifestyle. I hope you continue to find them useful.

As I wrote in my last post, I will continue to speak to groups, do occasional workshops on aging and longevity, and do whatever else I can to get the message out there. I am also compiling, editing and re-writing some of the former posts and providing additional new content into a book format which should be available later in the year.

So, I hope 2022 will find you energized and engaged, a life filled with enthusiasm, vitality, and zest for the life you are given. Happy New Year to all.

Thank you for reading.