Energy Bite 313 – “OK, Boomer”

Seems the new expression around the Social Media crowd to deride those born between 1946 and 1964 is “OK, Boomer”. Apparently it is mostly used as a form of derision by Millennials to refer to us old folks.

Certain younger generations don’t like us old folks preaching values to those who say they are subjected to, and are whining concerned about, heavy student debt and poor pay. Poor things. Of course, they didn’t have the opportunity to go through WW2, Korea, Viet Nam and for those in their late 80s and 90s, the Great Depression (a short rant).

But that’s not the point. While you may be getting older, you don’t have to look and act like you are helpless old fogies who aren’t able to get along with your younger brothers and sisters in life. And for those of you non-boomers, harken up, your turn is coming.

Those of us born between 1925 and 1946 are part of the “Silent Generation” (sometimes known as “the Greatest Generation”), and those after the “Boomers” are called “Generation Jones” (never heard of it) and then comes Generation X and subsequent generations.

You can quit acting old and get rid of your old person’s attitude, self-image and identity. You can do things that will make you look and feel younger, and in some cases, even delay some of the biological (not chronological) aging processes. Need I really say that exercise and real food are two of those things. I hope they have become a part of your 2020 habit pattern.

You can live your life and forget about your age. You are as alive and as filled with energy as you want to be. Don’t let your age define you. Don’t be a “default” Senior who retires and “rots” on the couch watching TV, and who becomes bored with life, gets fatigued easily, and deteriorates mentally and physically. While most readers of this blog don’t fit that description, too many other seniors do. Most don’t even recognize the signs of mental and physical deterioration because it come on so slowly. “All of a sudden” you become non-functional.

Remember that you are designed to be healthy, even as you get older. You already know what to do to delay the aging process. Do it.

Next time someone of “that” generation say “OK, boomer” to you, say “Thank You” and move along at a brisk pace, with with high energy and enthusiasm, knowing you are probably more “Young at Heart” than they are.

Thank you for reading.