One of the suggestions that I received from my post asking for some ideas, two weeks ago, was to write out “5 Tips for . . . “, “6 Secrets to . . . “, “10 Ways to . . . “. I actually started to write a “Tips Book” for Seniors a number of years ago but never finished it. Maybe I’ll be inspired to finish it.
So here are eight Tips for Active Seniors that you may find useful:
To Keep Your Aging Body Young, To Look and Feel Better the Rest of Your Life, To Keep Your Body Filled with Personal Energy . . . Do these 8 Things
- Move your body. Of course that’s number one. That’s what The Come Alive Project is all about. Keep young through movement. Keep your blood and lymph circulating. Make your muscles strong and keep them that way. Become flexible so you can bend and twist.. Keep your joints free; don’t let them become rusty hinges.
- Eat Right. What does that mean? Mostly stay away from processed foods, food really high in Saturated Fats, SUGAR, refined white flour, and so forth. You know precisely what I mean.
But there is a lot of confusion as to what it the right way to eat. I have said many times before, I lost nearly 40 pounds quickly by simply cutting back on meat a little, increasing the veggies, staying away from junk food, SUGAR. There a lot of diets out there. It’s confusing. But the above worked for me. I lost nearly 40 pounds ten years ago and it’s never come back. Discover what works for you. - Breathe deeply of air and of life. Oxygen is the number one thing that keeps your body alive. You can last without food for a long time. You never have to exercise and you’ll live. Maybe miserably, but you’ll live. But without oxygen, you die. Quickly. Breathing oxygenates your blood which feeds your cells. It provides partial fuel for your Mitlchondria which is the cellular furnace providing the energy to your body for life.
- Stand up straight. Good posture is critical for a healthy life. When you hunch over, you put crimps in your body. You choke off your air supply by crimping your chest cavity. Good posture keeps your attitude positive and affects the way other people perceive you.
- Find a purpose and go after it. Get clarity on your purpose. Make a plan to go after it and — Execute the plan. Mine? Help Seniors understand and achieve a healthy and fit body and attitude to get the most out of their senior years.
- Accept your current reality for what it is. Then BECOME WILLING to create the new reality you want. Ask yourself: “Who am I?” Ask yourself: “Who do I want to be?”. Take an inventory of yourself, being brutally honest with yourself.
- Learn to live life on life’s terms. Life throws a lot of “stuff” at us. Like unexpected viruses. We all need to learn to live with them. They shall pass. If you think changes need to be made, start with yourself. See number 6 above.
- Stay positive. There are enough negative people on earth, don’t be one of them. Lift yourself up and lift up the people around you. People like to be around high energy, positive people. They don’t like to be around toxic, negative people who drag you down with them.
Hope you find those suggestions useful. Thank you for reading.