What kind of energy do you communicate to yourself and to the people around you?
Are we old curmudgeons with an old person’s attitude toward life, or are we healthy, vibrant seniors with a vitality and zest for living our lives? Do you look forward to getting up in the morning, or do you roll over and mentally project how miserable your day is going to be? Do you drain energy from others, or do you communicate positive energy to them.
By “Energy”, I am referring to that “life force” within us that makes us feel good, propels us forward, and makes us “come alive”.
All too often, we let our age define who we are. Do you? Do you look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are looking older? When you think of yourself as getting old, do you project that energy to others through your voice, your posture, your bearing, your movement, and your attitude about life. How do you come across to others?
Charles Fillmore, a spiritual leader of the early 20th century woke up one morning at the age of 93 and said out loud, “I fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm and I spring forth with a mighty faith to do the things that ought to be done by me.” Now that’s Positive Energy and a Come Alive Attitude.
Do you think yourself old, or do you have a “Come Alive Attitude” toward your life as it is? Do want to stay like you are, or do you want to try new things and experiment with life? Are you looking forward to your future or are you dreading it? Are you buried in the past or are you willing to accept inevitable change in the real world as time marches on?
Is your physical body up to the task of living a long and active life, or is it weak and filled with aches and pains? Is your mind dreary and filled with dread for your future?
In his book of inspirational essays, Celebrate Life, Rev. Eric Butterworth said, “The effects of the years upon the physical body depend not upon the physiology but the psychology involved.”
Butterworth goes on to say: “Living longer, of itself, is not the answer. We must know ‘what for’. What are we living for?” And he says that more important than living long is living “deeply”. He quotes an old Scotsman’s prayer: “Oh Lord, keep me alive as long as I live.” Well said, Rev. Butterworth.
It’s mostly a matter of self-awareness and self-care — taking responsibility for your own mind and body and doing something to build and maintain your own health, vitality, and personal energy. Yes, that includes exercise and eating right, and every bit as important — the mental attitude that goes with it.
So, does your age define you, or do you define your age? In the former, you let life dictate the terms. In the latter, you dictate the terms of both your present and your future. Can you completely control your future? Of course not. You could get hit by a truck tomorrow. But you have the responsibility to take control of your own health and fitness, along with the mindset that encourages you do it.
It’s up to us to define who we are and how we project our energy to the world. We are able dictate the terms. We know what to do. Will we do it?
“Fitness and health is within reach of anyone who wants it. The question is, who will reach?”
— Jim Rohn
Thank you for reading.