Happy New Year.
I’m expanding the scope of The Come Alive Project this year. I’ll be reaching out to more active older adults who realize that we will hold onto our health, vitality and independence, only by actively nurturing a healthy, fit and energetic lifestyle. We can be our own Fountain of Youth when we fully understand what we need to do to maintain that health, and then actually do it.
So, yes, I’ll be reaching out to more people with information you will find useful, practical and valuable. Here are some of the things that I am doing now, as well as have in the planning stages for the first part of the new year:
- Reviewing and upgrading everything about The Come Alive Project, including this website, to provide more useful, practical and valuable information for the benefit of our growing online community.
- Inviting more participation from the community. I plan to open up the blog posts to reader comments shortly. I haven’t so far because I got too many mass spammers in the beginning. This is a common problem with new blogs but there are methods available to filter out these mass spammers. All comments, positive or critical will be welcome. In the meantime, please feel free to email comments to me at bob@thecomealiveproject.com at any time.
- Putting on live seminars and workshops throughout the year. Information about these workshops will be posted on this website.
- Getting back onto the speaking circuit to spread the message and widen our growing community.
- Asking readers to help spread the word about our community by inviting others to subscribe to the blog. Please forward this article to someone you think might find it useful and enjoyable.
There are many “half-truths”, distortions and outright deceptions in the health, fitness and nutritional fields. There are many differences of opinion about exercise, nutrition and the mental and emotional factors that go into High Energy Health and Fitness. Confusion is rampant and that confusion needs to be addressed.
I want to know what specific things you would like to see addressed. Please feel free to tell me at bob@thecomealiveproject.com.
There is a large community of seniors who want to improve their health and boost their energy, who understand that they don’t need to go to extremes to do it. They also recognize that their health and energy are their own responsibility and no one else’s. Most already understand the importance of those healthy habits, mental and physical, that will drive up their overall health and energy levels, but there is always that resistance which somehow holds them back. I want to help those people to break through that resistance and reach up to a higher level.
If you have just found this website, please join our growing community and subscribe to future articles by adding your email in the box at the top of this page. If you’ve been a reader for a while, stick with me, we’re going up a notch.
Thank you for reading.