Energy Bite 179 – A Brief and Final Word about Motivation, for Now

I’ve been writing thoughts about motivation for a few weeks now, asking about why some people exercise during the week and others don’t. What motivates some to either go to a gym or exercise at home, while others won’t do it, even though their doctor has told them to either exercise or get sick and die

I think these words by Tom Bilyeu, former President of Quest Nutrition, makers of Quest Bars, the second fastest growing company in America, and current CEO of Impact Theory, a new media company with the purpose of empowering people, sum it up pretty well. He had this to say during an interview during one of his recent video interviews online:

 “Going to the gym is optimizing the body to get to the mind. It’s about looking better and feeling better. It’s earning credibility with myself that I have the discipline to show up and do something. That’s a huge one — proving to yourself that you have the discipline to do something that’s hard, that’s difficult, that you don’t really want to do”        —  Tom Bilyeu, CEO, Impact Theory

 When you’ve finished with your exercise, you can say:

“That’s good, I did what I needed to do.”

It’s true about all of life and not just your Health, Fitness and Personal Energy. It works for me.

Thank you for reading.